Stacey Roshan is the Director of Innovation and Educational Technology at Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland. She is passionate about discovering and bringing innovative tools into the classroom to create a safe learning environment for all students to find their voice and build confidence.

Her work has been featured in major media outlets such as USA Today, The Washington Post, CNN and PBS Newshour. She has also been named Teacher of the Future by the National Association of Independent Schools. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at New York University and earned her master’s degree in the subject at the University of Virginia. In addition to teaching high school students to love and understand math, Stacey works closely with faculty and staff to design tech-infused lessons aimed at providing the optimal learning environment for all students. She frequently speaks at conferences and is a consultant and teacher ambassador to a number of edtech companies.


How to Use Technology to Strengthen Relationships, Ease Anxiety, and Empower All Students with a Voice

This interactive session explores how teachers can leverage tech tools to engage and personalize the learning experience for all types of learners and shows how utilizing these tools can actually free up time for the teacher to create an environment where learning takes center stage.

By leveraging the right tools and rethinking traditional lesson design, technology can provide a safe learning space for allstudents -- whether that individual is the shy, quiet-type who is never the first to raise her hand or the outgoing, verbal-type who is eager to chime in with a response. This session will showcase specific examples of several tech tools in action: Edpuzzle, Pear Deck and Flipgrid. When used thoughtfully, edtech can allow all students in the classroom a chance to actively participate in a format that is most comfortable for them and create an environment that allows their voices to be heard. This session will highlight how to embrace technology to create a forum that is conducive to all students.

Using Edtech to Personalize Learning

When we hear the word “data” used in education, we too often jump to thinking about standardized tests and scores. But data is information; it provides rich insight into individual and class needs. Empowered with this information, teachers can customize and personalize the learning experience for each student.

In this session, participants will learn:

  • How can teachers use technology to provide each student in the classroom an equal voice?
  • How can teachers create a safe space for each student to honestly respond and make mistakes?
  • How can teachers engage each student in the room?
  • How can teachers efficiently and effectively target class and individual student needs?
  • How can teachers use technology to engage students in the process of reflection and revision?

Flipping the Classroom to Create Student-Centered Learning

In this session, I will share my personal evolution -- from creating simple flipped classroom videos to truly shifting my class space to a student-driven environment. Participants will learn how I have used technology to identify the needs of each individual in the classroom to build trust and strong relationships. 

The flipped classroom model, combined with the right tech tools, can create a highly interactive learning environment, individualized and customized for each student. This model puts the student in the driver seat, allowing them to control the pace and depth of their learning. What’s more, effective integration of these tools can bring compassion back into an otherwise overly stressed environment by freeing time for the teacher to provide individual support by observing students in the process of learning.

Making Thinking Visible: Embracing Edtech to Give All Students an Equal Voice

This session will examine specific examples using Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Sutori. Participants will learn how to create student-paced Pear Deck activities with embedded Flipgrid prompts to create exercises that allow students to reflect on how they are understanding the new information they are receiving. 

Participants will be walked through an activity using Sutori asking students to look back on past work and document how it directly relates to their new knowledge. Reflection is key to learning, and this project provides students the opportunity to form a deeper understanding of connections between the chapters being studied. As with the Pear Deck activity, Flipgrid is infused into this activity to allow students the opportunity to talk out their thought process directly to their webcam.

Shifting Educator and School Culture to Inspire Active Participation

This session will focus on infusing best practices in teaching and learning into meeting culture -- whether that be full faculty meetings, department meetings, or administrative meetings.

In this session, participants will learn how to drive this culture-shift to get faculty buy-in and how to strategically choose tech tools that model the teaching we hope to see in the classroom. If we want teachers to create engaging, active lessons, it is our responsibility to model that change. This session is meant to inspire this transformation and give participants concrete examples to take back to their schools.