Nate is a tech-loving history teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. He specializes in lesson design and differentiation and also is licensed in Special Education Mild Interventions. He's taught in both middle school and high school settings, but currently is enjoying teaching World History & Dual Credit U.S. History. He is currently finishing a Masters degree in History at the University of Indianapolis.

Nate Ridgway

Nate is a tech-loving history teacher in Indianapolis, Indiana. He specializes in lesson design and differentiation and also is licensed in Special Education Mild Interventions. He's taught in both middle school and high school settings, but currently is enjoying teaching World History & Dual Credit U.S. History. He is currently finishing a Masters degree in History at the University of Indianapolis. 

Keynotes, Workshops, Webinars & More

Don’t Ditch That Tech: Differentiation in a Digital World

This comprehensive presentation touches on themes found across our premier book, Don’t Ditch That Tech, and is designed to provide a comprehensive, transformative look at how technology can--and can't--fundamentally transform our instruction to meet the needs of diverse groups of students (students with special needs, ELL's, etc). Just like the book, the presentation is differentiated itself and designed to meet the needs of different tech-skilled teachers, coaches, and administrators, and you’ll walk away with new understandings and strategies on how to differentiate your approach to teaching and education.

Don’t Ditch That Tech: For Beginning Teachers

Are you a 1st-year teacher, upper-level undergrad, or in charge of a cohort of young professionals? The early years of teaching are already pretty overwhelming, and working with a diverse set of kids in a room full of devices is a challenge all in its own. This combo presentation/workshop is designed to meet the needs of this special population of educators. They’ll leave feeling much more comfortable with knowing how to implement practical strategies based on frameworks such as UDL, Tomlinson's, and more.

The First-Time Techy Teacher’s Guide to EdTech

Everybody in education has to start somewhere with edtech. But how you start, and why you start, matters. It can be an intimidating world for the uninitiated, and this session covers everything from guidelines to the building of an effective "toolkit". It's the perfect presentation for districts beginning to go 1:1 or those looking to dust off those occasionally-used devices and put them into play.

Podcasting Beyond The Classroom

This session takes on the popular medium of podcasts and shows how to expand them to connect and empower audiences beyond your classroom's--and even community's--walls. Podcasts may not be your first-go-to when thinking about how to hit standards and learning objectives, but with some tips and tricks from our own classrooms (and backed up by some solid research), we'll show you how to make it possible. This session covers everything from brainstorming to publishing and how even small recording experiences can change students' learning for the better.

Other Topics for Workshops, Webinars, etc.

  • Teaching with Metacognition in Mind
  • Adding Authenticity and Realness
  • Creating Personalized Content & Meaningful Learning
  • Cultivating and Captivating Student Attention
  • Introducing Escape Rooms to Your Staff...with an Escape Room