Eric Lowe is the principal of Beaver Local Middle School located in East Liverpool, Ohio. He began his career as an elementary teacher, where he taught for ten years while coaching baseball.

Eric Lowe

He has served as the district athletic director for the past nine years and been involved in administration for the past six years. Eric is a graduate of Kent State University and Youngstown State University.

He is passionate about making school about learning and fun, while promoting the positives that go on in our schools. He also feels strongly that we must view the world of education with optimistic glasses in order to enable us to push others to reach their maximum potential.

Your School Rocks Presentation/Workshop Description

“Nothing.”  How many times each week do your students respond to the question, “What happened at school today?” with that single, uninspiring, and UNTRUE word?

As school principals, Ryan McLane and Eric Lowe know that if schools rely on students to keep their parents informed, they risk parents believing that nothing special is happening at school — when quite the opposite is true. Great things are happening in your school every day! It’s time to tell people!

Your School Rocks…So Tell People! is a workshop designed to teach you how to use a variety of tools to keep your students’ families and community connected, informed, and excited about what’s going on in your school.  We will show you how to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more in order to engage your community.  You will learn:

  • Where you’ll find your audience online
  • How video newsletters can help you save time (and paper!)
  • Why you don’t have to be afraid of Facebook and blog comments
  • How to engage students in learning activities outside of normal school hours
  • How simple images and words can inspire students
  • How to save money using powerful and free social media tools

Whether you are brand new to these cutting edge methods of connection or a social media expert, you will walk away from this hands-on, practical session with tools and strategies you can immediately implement and use next week.